10 Most Helpful Study Tips for First Year PA Students
The way you studied in undergrad may not always be the most effective or efficient way of studying while in PA school, as I have learned. As you begin your journey, or if you are already well on your way, you might find a few of these study tips helpful to increase the breadth of knowledge you are able to digest.
Anytime I get bogged down in the amount of material we are required to know for an exam, or how uneventful a lecturer may make your Friday morning at 8:00 AM, I just remember that I am learning this information to help save someone’s life one day. We can never forget that. What may seem unimportant or like “useless” information will probably be the most important thing you’ll learn your entire career and it could potentially mean the difference between life and death for a patient. The day that you decide that it is acceptable to receive poor grades in a course “as long as you pass” is the day you have failed your profession.